Luke Grimes, known for his role as Kayce Dutton in the acclaimed series Yellowstone, elaborates on his thoughts about the much-anticipated season 5 ending. The show, created by Taylor Sheridan, chronicles the Dutton family’s efforts to maintain their ranch amid increasing external pressures, often intertwining personal conflict with socio-political themes. Yellowstone season 5, which will air its second part on November 10 and conclude the series, has seen the Duttons face rival land developers and government officials eager to encroach on their territory.
There has been plenty of speculation over how Yellowstone will end, particularly since Kevin Costner will not be returning as patriarch John Dutton. During an interview with Newsweek, Grimes suggests that the finale will not only provide closure for ongoing storylines but will also introduce surprises that challenge viewers’ expectations. He also hinted that the conclusion will embody Sheridan’s signature unpredictability and intricate storytelling. He said:
I think true to Yellowstone’s, form, [viewers] won’t be able to see it coming. I feel like that’s the kind of beauty of Taylor’s [Sheridan] writing, and it’s always so surprising. It’s never what you thought it was going to be. But I think everyone will be really satisfied with, you know, if I would have tried to come up with an ending, I never would have come up with this one, but it’s the perfect one. Because I’m clearly not a writer and even if I was, it would not be as good as Taylor. But yeah, I think it’ll just be very satisfying because it’s, I mean, that’s what you want. That’s what you want. And the ending of a great show is something unpredictable and satisfying.